University of Ottawa Heritage Precinct Conservation Assessments Phase 2

Continuing to Guide the Evolution of the University of Ottawa’s Heritage Precinct

After the successful completion of Phase 1, the University of Ottawa chose to continue its positive working relationship with TRACE architectures to further review the condition of other buildings within its Heritage Precinct. The core of this exercise was to guide the exterior maintenance and enhancement of the affected historic buildings over the forthcoming decades. The three buildings within Phase 2 included Hagen Hall (c. 1931), Academic Hall (c. 1901), and 190 Laurier (c. 1920).

Highlighting the theoretical and practical focus of the conservation assessments, the University has acted on the recommendations shortly after the completion.

Providing Strategy Planning

TRACE architecture’s project lead mandate included clearly identifying conservation priorities extending over a 25-year period. Through detailed assessments of each building envelope, TRACE provided the University with critical information relating to building integrity; the maintenance of the buildings’ envelopes in a safe and reliable working condition; prolonging the life of the building envelopes; identification of health & safety concerns, and reduction of annualized service calls for the University. These will provide valuable information for critical asset management and investment strategies.

Delivering Unique Strategies

The ultimate deliverable for each building is a comprehensive Heritage Conservation Building Condition Assessment report, including: heritage character analysis; conservation strategies; exploratory openings/findings; observations and recommendations for interventions with time frames and budget estimates; detailed photographic records; and a detailed Operation and Maintenance/Best Practices Guide.

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Hagen Hall Roof Upgrades, 2021

Building on the maintenance regime prepared as part of the Conservation Assessment for Hagen Hall, the Consultant Team led by IBI, retained TRACE architectures to continue their heritage involvement as the Heritage Consultant for the roof replacement. The scope included reviewing documents and recommending contractors as well as conservation treatments for replacement of copper elements (character-defining elements).

Hagen Hall roof detail
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