Celebrating One Year of Rebrand and Honouring 35 Years of Our Expertise

In the field of architecture, evolution is a constant, and for TRACE, the past year marked a pivotal milestone—a rebrand that celebrated not just a new image, but an evolution built on the bedrock of 35 years of experience. Formerly known as MTBA Associates Inc (2008-2022), Mark Thompson Brandt Architect & Associates (2003-2008), and Thompson Brandt Architects (1988-2003), we wanted to use our new brand’s first birthday to honour the founding years of this transformative shift.

The decision to rebrand was more than a cosmetic makeover; it was a strategic move aimed at redefining MTBA’s identity while staying deeply rooted in its expertise. With our recognizable “Blueprint Purple” we wanted to honour three decades of industry know-how with a consistent brand with the potential to grow into its new identity.

TRACE can mean a multitude of things, architecturally it can be associated with paper, or the act of drawing on a new layer. This new layer, is where we believe our role as conservation architects, urbanists and historians lies. We investigate the value of places regardless of institutional recognition, tangible, or intangible. Our team’s decades of varied experience allows us to understand that a place, be it its past, present, or future, is not stagnant and requires a unique sensitivity to context and history. We want to leverage the idea that interventions to a heritage place is only one chapter in the whole story. This idea inspired the graphics of our logo–exploring the past, while moving forward.

As a multidisciplinary office, the rebrand sought to provide an expanded definition of being a heritage-focused architectural firm. As we brainstormed what heritage means, we realized that the field lacks an inclusive definition within capital “A” Architecture. Recognizing that we work with a multitude of different existing places including heritage districts, cultural heritage landscapes and heritage buildings, we decided on the umbrella term architectures. By pluralizing architecture, we intentionally sought to recognize and elevate our internal expertise.  

Our one-year anniversary is an opportunity to delve into our new logo and highlight the team efforts that made the rebrand possible. Throughout the rebranding process, we engaged in extensive introspective meetings through multiple team workshops to brainstorm names, identities, missions and values that we felt truly represented the firm today. It wasn’t just about changing the look; it was about reaffirming a shared vision, igniting excitement, and inspiring a renewed sense of purpose and firm direction. The result was a reinvigorated brand narrative that we hope only resonates with both long-time clients and new colleagues.

The rebranding initiative is owed to Partner Chris Warden, who sought to create an identity that could grow with the firm. Chris led the R&D through numerous workshops delving into what our mission, vision and core values. Our brand evolution, design and mission statement is the outcome of extensive team-wide efforts.

The past year served as a testament to the rebrands’ success. Our company’s revitalized presence in the heritage field garnered attention, not only for its new and trendy name, but also our commitment passion to heritage places in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region—a trait ingrained in our 35 years of experience. 

What made MTBA & Associates Inc. a respected firm is owed to Founding Partner, Mark Thompson Brandt. Through various iterations of the firm’s identity, one thing has remained constant and that is Mark’s ability to navigate the heritage world with curiosity, outstanding knowledge of the Ottawa-Gatineau area, and a passion for the environment.

Seeing – and living - the evolution of TRACE over 35+ years has been rewarding and inspirational. From the first partnership, to the sole proprietor years to the current partnership and collective collaboration among the talented team, it has been a wild and joyful ride so far – with expectations for much more joy and accomplishment ahead for TRACE! My most valued step along the journey is the current one – TRACE architectures. Although each step reflected adaptation and contributions to the currents of the time, this one is more. The evolution into TRACE fully embraces the importance of broad collaboration, of synthesizing multidisciplinary elements of the best-practice solution, of studied investigation into existing circumstances (“TRACE”) to arrive at the optimal answer to new interventions, new layers to the “story told so far.” Tracing the history, conditions, community and nature of a place is not just important to new evolution, it is now widely known to be imperative for success. Today, the stakes seem much higher. Community empowerment & social justice, and sustainability survive & thrive are critical challenges for Architecture, Urbanism and Conservation. These three areas of inquiry (or “architectures,” as in the name TRACE architectures) by default of large-share involvement in the problems/solutions and by the nature of their ability to correct course, are the most important disciplines now to our society and the corrections of its problems. So…. TRACE on!

This anniversary isn’t just about celebrating a rebrand, it’s a celebration of adaptability and resilience in a dynamic architectural landscape one that is directly impacted by climate change, the economy and rapid technological advancements. In the face of challenges of the last few years including the COVID-19 pandemic, TRACE/MTBA didn’t just survive; it thrived.

Looking ahead, the journey is far from over. The first year of our rebrand laid the foundation for what promises to be an exciting future. We remain committed to leveraging our extensive experience while embracing the possibilities of what heritage will mean tomorrow. As we look back on our heritage and forward to the future, we can only hope that the rebrand stands as a beacon of our legacy—one that honours the 35-year journey that will propel the company into the next chapter of innovation and success!
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