Carly Farmer

Existing Buildings Specialist

Carly is a registered OAA Intern Architect and graduate of the B.A.S., M.Arch. and Create Heritage Engineering programs at Carleton. In her 5+ years at TRACE architectures, Carly has lead several projects including the Grass Creek Park Pavilion, East Block (evening site resident) and Village of Russell Heritage Conservation District Study, Plan and Guidelines. As the firm’s sustainability lead, Carly investigates the connections between existing buildings and many dimensions of sustainability. 

Exploring Architecture, Urbanism and Conservation

I love architecture because it brings together a lot of different disciplines and personal interests into a practical way to care for people and the planet. In particular, I enjoy finding creative solutions to the unique and often complex challenges of rehabilitating existing and heritage buildings. 

Building (and Rehabilitating) our way to a Brighter Future

As the firm’s sustainability officer, I’m constantly investigating how our projects and day-to-day operations can improve sustainability, in all its dimensions. Going beyond greenhouse gas emissions, I believe a sustainable future requires conserving the places and stories which comprise our cultural heritage, building vibrant local economies, considering lifecycle impacts, and ensuring access to affordable housing, healthy food and clean energy. And I firmly believe existing building reuse can contribute to all of this.

Online Sustainable Conservation Assistance Resource

I am actively involved with the Association for Preservation
Technology’s Technical Committee on Sustainable Preservation where I co-chair the development of OSCAR, the Online Sustainable Conservation Assistance Resource. Through this project, I get to learn from the experts about how to resolve some of the technical challenges of sustainable retrofits of traditional and mid-century modern buildings and create a platform for sharing this information. 

Exploring this Beautiful Planet

Outside of work, you will find me enjoying time with family and friends, including tiny humans, big dogs, and LOTS of plants. Together we explore the backyard garden, regional parks, and natural and cultural heritage sites around the world. 

Connect with Carly @ OSCAR