Local APT Chapter Event @ Zibi

On June 20th, the TRACE team joined several other local APT members on a tour of the Zibi site, led by the development’s project manager Taryn Glancy. The event was coordinated by Susan Ross of Carleton University and Heather McArthur of ERA Architects.

This walkthrough was especially important to us, as TRACE has been retained by the ZIBI Team to assist with approvals for the rehabilitation of the E.B. Eddy buildings that are designated under Quebec’s Heritage Act. These buildings (built in the late 19th century and some rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1900) front onto Alexandre-Taché Blvd. between Eddy Street/Chaudière Bridge, west to Rue Montcalm. They sit between the Terrasses de la Chaudière government office complex on the north and face the Ottawa River and the 1912 Ring Dam toward the south.

APT Ottawa-Outaouais members on the tour. TRACE architectures Inc.

This “Quartier Patrimoine” is filled with significant local and national history and is key component of the massive Zibi redevelopment proposal in this area. The large new multi-use development is being built to One Planet Living (OPL) Standards, globally one of the most strident sustainability ratings platforms. This system, developed by BioRegional, considers a full palette of concerns including social and cultural aspects.

Juxtaposition of the shells of the industrial heritage buildings with the development towers in the distance. TRACE architectures Inc.

As the development continues (and as the approval process for heritage-friendly regeneration continues), ZIBI is required to submit report cards on progress towards the goal of OPL certification. The tour provided a summary of the progress made in the past year, while also giving visitors an opportunity to experience firsthand the ongoing development.

Thanks to Susan and Heather for organizing the event, and Taryn for a great tour! TRACE eagerly awaits the next wave of progress on the site.


Join APT and become a member of the local chapter here: 

Ottawa Valley/Outaouais (apti.org)

Links and Further Reading

Zibi – Fotenn Planning + Design

Susan Ross – School of Canadian Studies (carleton.ca)

Heather McArthur – ERA Architects

The One Planet Living Framework – 10 Powerful One Planet Principles for a Sustainable Future OnePlanet

One Planet Living® sustainability framework – Bioregional

Chaudiere falls and Hydro power plant . In collaboration with Hydro Ottawa, Zibi provides net-zero carbon heating and cooling for all tenants, residents and visitors in the 34-acre riverfront city. This model encourages the use of local resources such as the use of cool water sourced from the Ottawa River, and hot water sourced and reused from nearby industrial buildings (post-industrial effluent heat). (ZCU – Zibi). Image: TRACE architectures Inc.
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