The TRACE team (except our Controller Rachel Lea, who will “hold the fort” in Ottawa) is taking a road trip! That’s right, we are all flying to Detroit, Michigan, to catch the bright lights of the Motor City! While there from November 6 to 13, we attend the Association for Preservation Technology’s (APT) 54th Annual Conference.

Lectures, Field Sessions, Networking, Symposium, Workshops and downtown Detroit, rapidly becoming known as “Phoenix City,” for it’s robust bounce-back and reinvention of itself as a progressive urban carnival of so many features of interest – social, ecological and small-scale economic “experiments” have given the place a renewed vitality. Music, manufacturing and many other cultural traces from Detroit’s multi-century development will be explored and analyzed. That fun will be mixed with social fun for an “edutainment” experience second to none. We will report back whet we learned, what we saw and what we liked about Motown / Greater Detroit.


The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is a multi-disciplinary, membership organization dedicated to promoting the best technology for protecting historic structures and their settings. Membership in APT provides exceptional opportunities for networking and the exchange of ideas.

APT members, who hail from nearly 30 countries, include preservationists, architects, engineers, conservators, consultants, contractors, craftspersons, curators, developers, educators, historians, landscape architects, students, technicians, and other persons directly involved in the application of methods and materials to maintain, conserve, and protect historic structures and sites for future use and appreciation.

The international, interdisciplinary character of APT – with its outstanding publications, conferences, training courses, awards, student scholarships, regional chapters, and technical committees – makes it the premier worldwide network for anyone involved in the field of historic preservation.  

APT’s mission is to advance appropriate traditional and new technologies to care for, protect, and promote the longevity of the built environment and to cultivate the exchange of knowledge throughout the international community.

APT is the largest and most recognized professional conservation organization in North America and rapidly expanding around the world. MTBA’s Mark Thompson Brandt is the only Canadian Architect to be both an APT Recognized Professional and a member of the APT College of Fellows.

Theatre in Detroit MI. TRACE architectures.


In 2018, APT and the APT College of Fellows instituted a program to recognize the expert skill level of individuals in the various fields of preservation technology with a formal recognition of achievement. 

An APT Recognized Professional is a person who has specialized knowledge, supported by a combination of formal training and/or work experience, in the use of preservation technology in conservation and stewardship of cultural heritage. An APT Recognized Professional conforms to accepted international technical and APT ethical standards and works in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of the person’s specialty preservation field and the appropriate jurisdictions of their practice. Professional recognition allows APT members in good standing to use “APT Recognized Professional” or “APT RP” after their names. Founding partner Mark Thompson Brandt is a member of the 2019 Class of APT RPs.

The Guardian Building, Detroit MI. TRACE architectures.


The College of Fellows fulfills a variety of salient functions within APT. Overall, the college advises the Board of Directors on issues regarding the advancement of philosophy and practice of preservation technology. Members of the College serve on committees or in other capacities, as needed. 

The College of Fellows honors those APT members who have provided valuable services to the preservation field and to APT. Each year at the APT annual conference the College of Fellows inducts up to six new members.

The College of Fellows Jury, which consists of five members, reviews the nominations and elects those for invitation to the fellowship.  The jury, a committee of the College of Fellows, includes three Fellows selected by the College, one member at Large, and one member of the Board of Directors selected by the APT President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Mark Thompson Brandt was elected to the APT College of Fellows in the 2020 Class.


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