Brandt Delivers Paper at APT Conference and is Elected to APTi Board

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APTi) held its 2014 Conference in Québec City, October 26 to 30. Among many presentations, Mark Brandt co-led the Annual Meeting of the Technical Committee on Sustainable Preservation (TC-SP) and also delivered a paper to the Conference, entitled: “Heritage Eco-District: Preserving and Revitalizing a Post-Industrial Waterfront”. The membership also elected Mark to the APTi Board of Directors.

This case study presentation of approaches to redevelopment of the Chaudière Islands District in Canada’s Capital reflected conference themes such as:

  • TERRITORY, the cultural landscape of industrial heritage and neighbourhood change;
  • METISSAGE, the fruitful encounter of differences at many levels: cultures, land uses and adapted uses, geopolitics, new technologies and traditional crafts;
  • DECAYED INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT as an act of “healing” historic fabric and re-purposing historic urban landscapes.

The presentation showed how:

  1. THE FUSING OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION can be applied to urban redevelopment of brownfield sites with significant cultural value AND significant ecological value;
  2. NEW APPROACHES TO THE TECHNICAL CHALLENGES OF CONSERVING FAILING HISTORIC INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS can help maintain cultural and contextual relevance, even within large areas of new construction.

The conference is the leading world-wide annual event for Preservation Technology and was attended by over 600 delegates from over a dozen countries. The membership elected Mark to the APTi Board of Directors, and he will also continue his role as Co-Chair of the TC-SP. Brandt will also sit on the Organizing Committee for the 2015 conference symposium, “Renewing Modernism: – Emerging Principles for Practice” and will Co-cordinate the 2015 Conference Track on Sustainable Preservation.

 For more information on Brandt’s Québec presentation:

For more information on the Québec Conference:

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