THIS IS BIG! Embodied Carbon is in the News!

Thousands of political and business leaders, scientists, activists and journalists gathered in San Francisco, September 12-14, for Global Climate Action Summit. Mark Thompson Brandt, of MTBA, on behalf of ZNCC, led two key sessions at the summit, during Carbon Smart Building Day and Climate Heritage Mobilization.

The event garnered much attention, as leaders stepped up their commitments to global warming. To read more about the Summit’s highlights, click HERE.

Prof. Kate Simonen of the University of Washington and a Founder of the Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) and its brain-child, the Embodied Carbon Network (ECN), as well as a contributor to the ZNCC Zero Net Carbon Collaboration for Existing and Historic Buildings, posted these updates and insights to the ECN:

“Carbon Smart Building Day was a great success.  The event was sold out, standing room only and had high energy and great information.  Multiple people commented: ‘I left re-energized and inspired’, ‘one of the best events I’ve attended’,  and ‘I see the importance of acting on embodied carbon reductions now’. Over 100 firms have signed the Carbon Smart Building Declaration and even more individuals.  We invite you to consider signing this/asking your organization to sign it.  We will continue to promote greater action using this platform to demonstrate broad consensus on the need to act.”

“We had multiple media at the event.  Engineering News Record published a great summary of the event opening: Reducing Embodied Carbon and Operational Emissions in Buildings which highlights Meghan White’s great illustration from the CLF LCA Practice Guide and emphasizes the Embodied Carbon Material Palette that Architecture 2030 just published (with input from ECN members!).”

“The Washington Post highlighted the CLF work at the University of Washington in an article: Universities should lead efforts to slow climate change, if the federal government won’t.”

“Building Green published ‘the best educational resource on embodied carbon’ (per Anne Banta), The Urgency of Embodied Carbon and What You Can Do about It.  I agree with Anne, this is an excellent article and worth sharing broadly.  For $39 you can buy the PDF and get continuing education credits-the web link is open access.  A great deal!”

“Architecture Record published a wide-ranging positive article on the GCAS which has some great quotes by Kate Simonen, entitled, “Climate Summit Highlights Commitment to Combating Global Warming”.

For more highlights, please see Climate Summit Highlights States’ Commitment to Combating Global Warming, from Architectural Record – posted on MTBA’s Sustainable Conservation site.

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