Ottawa Citizen: Ottawa mayor promises Chaudiere Falls project ‘red carpet’ not red tape

9768390Redevelopment of the Domtar lands is a “once in a generation” opportunity to bring to life a part of the Ottawa River that has long been off limits to the public, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson said Wednesday.The cities of Ottawa and Gatineau are collaborating and working with the National Capital Commission, he said, to make sure redevelopment of the historic 15-hectare post-industrial site “doesn’t get nibbled to death by process and red tape” and sees the light of day.“We are all in general agreement that this project will be a net benefit to the community. We will work closely to make sure we are rolling out the red carpet and not the red tape.”

Watson said the plans unveiled for the Domtar site this week offer a chance to make up for past mistakes on nearby LeBreton Flats.

“We blew a bit of a golden opportunity with the National Capital Commission developing the other side of LeBreton Flats in an underwhelming fashion with a bunch of condos, and I think this helps to recapture the excitement of the War Museum and that piece of land that has really be underutilized for decades.”

Watson, like most area residents, had never seen Chaudière Falls until he went for a tour of the site a few weeks ago. The falls, once a major tourist draw, have been virtually closed to the public for decades.

“I was astounded with the beauty of the location, the power of the falls and the great potential of the buildings on site,” he said.

“I had no idea how significant the falls were … it is really quite spectacular.”

Making the falls accessible to the public, with a viewing platform and a nearby welcome and interpretive centre, as well as restaurants and patios, are part of the plans Ottawa’s Windmill Development Group has for the site.

Windmill unveiled its billion-dollar plans this week and submitted applications to the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau for rezoning — the first step in what is expected to be a 10- to 15-year process. At the end, Windmill says the project will house 3,500 people and employ equal numbers, and will offer new access to previously closed off waterways, in addition to shopping, gathering spaces and restaurants. It will also be home to a hotel and a museum. And Windmill, which is a leading green developer, says the project will be the most sustainable community in the world.

There are plenty of details to be ironed out, but Watson said he is impressed the company is taking on such a potentially complex project — which involves the federal, two provincial and two municipal governments, as well as the National Capital Commission, and is of historical and spiritual importance to First Nations.

Windmill says it has consulted with Algonquins of Ontario as well as Kitigan Zibi First Nation, and plans to continue to have conversations.

Some have suggested a long talked about national indigenous centre on Victoria Island, which is beside the Domtar lands, would be a good fit with the massive redevelopment project.

Watson, who recently saw architect Douglas Cardinals drawings for an indigenous centre there, agrees.

“I always thought it would be a wonderful 150th anniversary of Confederation project,” he said. Although there is likely not enough time to build it by 2017, Watson said construction of the building while the Domtar lands are being redeveloped would be “perfect timing.”

“When you are in there and doing all of these significant capital works on the site, it would be great to have that work done at the same time.”

Watson said he plans to meet with Heritage Minister Shelly Glover to encourage federal support for the project.

Meanwhile, Windmill managing partner Rodney Wilts said the company has had preliminary conversations with “several museum partners” about locating on the site “but we are still a ways away from anything being firm.”

The Museum of Science and Technology, whose current site in Ottawa’s east end was to have been temporary, has recently shelved plans to move to a more central location.

A spokeswoman for Hydro Ottawa, which owns the dam surrounding Chaudière Falls, said it is working with Windmill Development Group “to develop plans and create a place the public can enjoy.” The plans include a viewing platform over the falls, walkways and bike paths and an interpretive centre “which would highlight the historic importance of this site.”

MTBA have been retained as special consultants for heritage and planning  on Windmill’s team for the Isles project. 

Article author:  Elizabeth Payne, Ottawa Citizen

Image Source:  Ottawa Citizen 

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