Our Evolved Identity
Our evolved identity captures our approach and the team’s varied collection of strengths, to communicate our interest in existing places.

TRACE is a name that reflects our interest in investigating and understanding existing places. We effect our interest by exploring solutions that promote a continued evolution based on past, present, and possible futures.
Pluralizing architecture to architectures is an intentional step for a pluralistic approach to arrive at solutions. Highlighting our focus on multiple scales and areas of interest, we believe in a multidisciplinary approach that favours “we over me” within the studio.

The icon illustrates our attention to the varied nature of place and its context as a continuum. This includes its past(s), present(s), and future(s), each playing a role in the perception of place.

TRACE architectures builds on the 35+ years of experience on projects and industry contributions, starting in the mid-1980s with Mark Brandt Studio, which evolved into Thompson Brandt Architects, followed by MTBA Mark Thompson Brandt Architect and Associates to MTBA – Architecture Urbanism Conservation.
Our collective approach is very much founded on those origins, with a focus on existing places, an interest in working at multiple scales, and exploring opportunities to grow and evolve the larger industry through our involvement in professional and community organizations.
With this foundation, we continue to look at opportunities present in existing places, exploring options for improving the sustainability of these places. We intentionally seek collaborative ways of working internally, and externally, with stakeholders and larger project teams. As we continue building, we hope to share related insights and experiences from our team across the various social channels and on the web site.