Hill Times: Featuring the Sir John A. Macdonald Building

Looking north in the atrium highlighting the new feature stair with the addition on the left and the existing building on the right (Doublespace)

‘It’s a very small building, but it’s very rich,’ new Hill space opens with Sir John A. Macdonald Building addition There’s some new square footage available on the Hill with the new addition to the historic Sir John A. Macdonald Building, which includes a multi-purpose room and was designed to be a contemporary, modern match […]

Profiles Directory Published for 2016 Featuring an Article by Mark Brandt

Compact urban form providing more efficient heating and increased density, Halifax (image source: Shelley Bruce)

Profiles, the member and practice directory for the Ontario Association of Architects, is also the vehicle for Ontario architects to introduce issues that are currently affecting the industry and to provide important and helpful information to their clients and potential clients. The theme for the 2016 edition of Profiles is “Architecture Matters” – There is […]

Sir John A. Macdonald Building in Ottawa reopens

This summer, the Sir John A. Macdonald Building on Confederation Boulevard, across from Parliament Hill, reopened. The revitalized banking hall, in the former Bank of Montreal, will serve as large meeting and ceremonial space for official Parliament of Canada receptions. The project—which includes the adaptive reuse of the bank along with a new addition—was completed […]

Canadian Architect: Sir John A. Macdonald Building in Ottawa reopens

Sir John A Macdonald Building exterior - Doublespace

This summer, the Sir John A. Macdonald Building on Confederation Boulevard, across from Parliament Hill, reopened. The revitalized banking hall, in the former Bank of Montreal, will serve as large meeting and ceremonial space for official Parliament of Canada receptions. The project—which includes the adaptive reuse of the bank along with a new addition—was completed […]

Brandt Delivers Paper at APT Conference and is Elected to APTi Board

The Association for Preservation Technology International (APTi) held its 2014 Conference in Québec City, October 26 to 30. Among many presentations, Mark Brandt co-led the Annual Meeting of the Technical Committee on Sustainable Preservation (TC-SP) and also delivered a paper to the Conference, entitled: “Heritage Eco-District: Preserving and Revitalizing a Post-Industrial Waterfront”. The membership also […]