MTBA’s Mark Thompson Brandt will be a speaker at the National Trust of Canada’s panel discussion, Gathering of the Heritage Sector: COP26 and Climate Heritage Action – Seizing Momentum and the “Heritage Reset” on December 8, 2021. This event follows the similar discussions organized by Climate Heritage Network (CHN) and others, that have happened since COP26 this past fall, finally placing heritage conservation at centre stage.
Mark has been an active member of the CHN since 2019, and will be joined on the panel by two of his close colleagues in the organization. The CHN is an international steering committee working at the intersection of climate action, arts culture, and heritage, with the interests of environmental stewardship and sustainable development.
Closely aligned with MTBA’s beliefs, the CHN has been working with architects to lead sustainability and climate action internationally. Earlier this fall, the AIA participated as a Non-governmental Organization (NGO) and official COP observer. This is the first time the AIA has formally participated in a COP event, sending a delegation of architects to participate in discussions for international environmental stewardship.
MTBA continues to stay true to its environmental beliefs and role in sustainable development, and its intersection with heritage.
Some of the CHN goals include the following and echoed by MTBA’s philosophy:
- Taking climate action through communication and engagement,
- Inspiring and assisting their constituents, members and audiences to increase ambition, to change their own behaviours; and
- Engage with climate change policy development at local and national government and intergovernmental levels.
It is a core belief, confirmed by the discussions at COP26, that climate action is a multifaceted effort with unlimited potential, as sectors and partners that have not traditionally engaged with cultural actors begin to that collaborate synergistically.