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MTBA Launches Building Resilience Website

MTBA is very excited to announce the launch of our Building Resilience website! Over the next few months we will be updating the beta version of the web site to address technical issues and more importantly upgrade content.

Visit Building Resilience

Building Resilience: Practical Guidelines for the Retrofit and Rehabilitation of Buildings in Canada serves as a “sustainable building toolkit” that will enhance understanding of the environmental benefits of heritage conservation and of the strong interrelationship between natural and built heritage conservation. Intended as a useful set of best practices, the guidelines in Building Resilience can be applied to existing and traditionally constructed buildings as well as formally recognized heritage places.

Wellington Street in context (Doublespace)
Wellington Street in context (Doublespace)

These guidelines are primarily aimed at assisting designers, owners, and builders in providing existing buildings with increased levels of sustainability while protecting character-defining elements and, thus, their heritage value. The guidelines are also intended for a broader audience of architects, building developers, owners, custodians and managers, contractors, crafts and trades people, energy advisers and sustainability specialists, engineers, heritage professionals, and officials responsible for built heritage and the existing built environment at all jurisdictional levels.

Of particular note the full web site role out includes a French translation of the entire web site.  We are in the process of translating the content and hope to complete it within the next few months.

Please be patient with us over the next few months while we continue to implement improvements to the site with a full launch currently anticipated in time for the end of 2018

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